Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Prayer for the Broken Hearted


Jen said...

Hi Mahima,
thanks for commenting on my posts!
I would be honored to be included in your list.(feeling alittle nervous...but that's o.k. : )

I have always thought that I was a very open person...but I'm finding that I don't communicate as much as I could...that I have held back..that I have been afraid of disapproval...though I have been using my blog to get out my feelings...I do so want to make connections.....thanks for connecting

the words written on the face of the woman...makes a bigger effect than if they were placed side by side....what a wonderful prayer

I see that you have so much on your blogs...have read an earlier post below (who do you think you are?)-- so important. --Jen

madelyn said...

powerful images - sooo profoundly
compassionate and moving!

i am so happy to have discovered you
through "create a connection"