Monday, April 02, 2007

Blogroll for 2nd April

  1. yes, long overdue to be listed here, but i've been exploring and exploring and today i spent almost all day there. So: you must go see it, if you haven't already. Its inspiring, uplifting, and enriching.
  2. visit here. light a candle in prayer or gratitude. light it once or daily. as a ritual or habit. for yourself or another. for a cause or not. your candle will burn for 48 hours.
  3. a blog i discovered just today. its a must visit for anyone who would love a sensitive thinker's blog. it has much honesty and much to think about.i found her link through the wishcasting blog.
  4. go here. make a wish. email it to be posted on this blog. support the wishes of other wishers. make your wish in the form on a wird, a list, a photograph, a peice of art...
  5. for those who haven't discovered this yet, this is a must see. I've found many many people who have enriched my life and my blogging experience through this website, and am profoundly grateful to the many who have found me through it. Its a place for bloggers, creators, thinkers to connect. Lots of ideas, lots of links, lots of constant events.
  6. : a host of exciting and inspiring art and art journalling. she's also making many, many art squares which you can look at- which, also, will inspire you to go right away and cut those tiny squares and start making art on them.visit her for lots of inspiration.
  7. art blog of constantly inspired artist. also recent participant in wreck this journal. creative and inspiring.

For this week, go visit these. they're inspiring and will leave you with a head full to think about and create.


Chamki said...

All these links in the middle of you know what!

:) Study a little also!

Jen said...

I saw mention of you being a scanner in your profile when I first visited your site...I was interested to know more about it then and...
today I clicked on your link from the march 30 list (

I have been "scanning" the link and some of the message boards and I think I may actually fit the scanner profile.

I think that this may be a very big help to how I think about my future.

I Realized that I had bought a book awhile back by the same woman who is the one behind this idea..I can picture it now...not too thick...yellow cover, with the title placed as an arch or curving at the top...(I could do anything if only I knew what it was)...this was several years ago...I remember reading it and liking it, but nothing coming from's probably in a box somewhere. Had forgotten about it until today when I saw it mentioned on the discussion board.

This is part of the picture of myself that I am getting...realizing that not everything that troubled me was ADD related...what I always thought was my "easy distractability" or some of my "difficulty focusing" might better be described as my tendency to come across things that interested me while working on one specific thing...I would think that I could just read a bit more and soon what I was learning about was further away from the initial thing...I always was stressed out knowing that I would have to catch myself so that I didn't spend too much time doing this(scanning?).

I Still believe ADD is something I have dealt with, but now it seems I've identified this related issue (won't say "problem" because maybe it doesn't have to be).

There were more than several comments I found by some of the scanners which rang true for me.

Just wanted to let you know how visiting your blog appears to have given me an important puzzle piece...I will be looking to see if it is truly a fit and hoping that it opens some possibilities for me....thank you!

I am interested to know how you came to identify yourself as a scanner and what it has meant for you. Your blog really appeals to me as it draws from many different ideas and has so many interesting links (including Melba's...the first blog I've ever visited).

Wonder what you are busy with outside of blogging and if you get much sleep : )


Devil Mood said...

Hi Mahima!
I was so happy and surprised to get your e-mail, you have no idea! I don't know you but I like your enthusiasm already - all these links and your voracious need to read blogs :)
And your description is lovely: writer.artist.dreamer - reminds me of me, but I'm not really an artist. But I am a dreamer!
Thanks for visiting my blog!