"there is no such thing as the stateand noone exists alone;hunger leaves no choiceto the citizen or the police;we must love one another- or die."-W.H.Auden[auden, of that peculiar middle generation "bracketed between the two World Wars" had so much to say: about the world, against anarchy. He, in very many ways, still holds relevane today.
a host of moderen,
real poets with solid, didactic poems coming our way in literature. they are all thought (and fear) provoking,
and still
u.p.l.i.f.t.i.n.g.in their assurance that there
are people speaking out, affirming
f.a.i.t.h.that there are people speaking of love, not money;
and that there are people not afraid to
s.p.e.a.k.and not afraid to
p.o.l.i.t.i.c.i.z.e. for,
if they were afraid,
we would really have no voice.