Saturday, March 04, 2006

to those we love

i think, most of our lives, we spend terms of relationships, that is... assuming they know we love them, assuming they know we're here to support them, assuming...assuming...assuming...and most of the time, they DON'T know...and so they go about hating themselves, feeding their insecurities, wishing someone was there for them.
i think the deepest act of support is to tell those we love that we love them. that alone can make a difference, change a life. another level,
its hard for us, insecure as we are, to talk to people about what we're going through inside. we fear being misunderstood. we fear the inability to articulate correctly what we want to say. we fear reactions and judgements...and so, we withdraw.

only when we fight this resistance and open ourselves out to another do we learn that the only hope for that suffocating loneliness is to let it out and share it with somebody.

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