Sunday, February 25, 2007

Magic Moments

When you are ready, Magic happens.

Unexpectedly, today was magical. Not only like every Sunday tends to be, with the Sunday morning conversation with Pawan, and the lazy lie in, but in bigger, more fantistical way.
Chamki and i had a sudden adventure- complete with memorabilia and photographs.
Then, my super-smart, super-funny, super-hero bloger friend decided to take me out for coffee and we had the fun-n-est time. Surprises after surprises occassionally interspersed with reality checks (in the form of "madam, this is India") and runs up slopes, races to beer shops (which, btw, never had beer- only noodle bar did) , bad jokes, and lots of discoveries.
To you, who made this so fun,
Thank you. :)


Leah said...

i love unexpectedly magic days! thank you for all the great artist date ideas you left on the finding water blog, they were wonderful!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment you left on my page; i really appreciate it!! now i am going to go check out those artist date ideas since i missed mine for last week!

Maggie May said...

LOVE this post! Thank you so much for your comments, they have inspired me to get back to blogging more often and more deeply. I'm excited to begin perusing your archives--forgive my slowness, I'm in the process of writing a 50 page thesis!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I love this!